R o b e r t H i l l
Vancouver BC
October 2013
Last fall I took a job shooting for COUP Entertainment shooting 3 patients living with auto immune diseases. Each leg of the shoot featured someone with a particular auto immune disease who also happens to be leading an extraordinary life despite the condition from which they suffer.
Robert was one of the people we spent time with, and his story was remarkable to say the least.
Robert is one of a small group of people on earth that have climbed the 7 summits (7 highest mountains on earth) including a failed first attempt at Mt. Everest... he went back and summited
a few years later.
Diagnosed with severe Crohn's disease, he has fought an incredible battle that drove him to push far beyond the limits of his illness (he has no colon or lower intestines and carries a colostomy bag on his hip)
Robert is the kind of guy you will probably only meet once in your life.
To see more of Roberts story, click here: